(Or, we can blame the first few chapters of Tellan.2 taking shape, and Tellan.1 starting to look like a cleaner version of its glorious self.)
I feel like I'm going to ramble, for that I apologize. It's just been so long!
I cut about 20,000 words out of Tellan, much to my own surprise, and I've had to put is aside because I fear that my ruthless weeding of chapters might almost be over-editing.. since iv'e been at it since February.
However I still feel that what I have isn't my 100% best. Of course, I still haven't properly edited a bunch of chapters.. and then there's the prologue which is unusual at this point.... and sometimes I feel like it won't be my best until other eyes see it. Or maybe it'll never be 'my best' because, to be honest, i'm not even sure that standard even exists.
Enough of Tellan though (for this post). The second book is crawling into existence and I've barely ever mentioned it!
(Iv'e decided that my best course of action at this point is to give Tellan to Beta readers and work on .2 for a few days/weeks. And get a query written)...
First things first, i really hate books (from sequel's) that take three or four chapters to recap their predecessor. This blabble is often boring and frustrating for people who actually read books in order. Therefore, I made the decision to include a book one summary in the start of book two. It's unrelated to the actual story so those who have read the book can skip it and those who haven't can read it for a vague overview of what they've missed. It's like that annoying part of every TV show that recaps the last episode...
The second book is pretty awesome, if i may say so myself, the plan makes me wish someone else had already written it so i could read it. I say this knowing that when its written i'll probably throw at walls for a few months wishing it were as cool as it sounded.
Queries. I'm trying to write something 'different' that still fits acceptable guidelines I am currently stuck on how to advertise me, because i'm really rather random. I haven't won any awards, or had anything published (unless you count English prizes at high-school.) my biggest achievement appears to be finishing a year of university with good grades... and lets face it, that's boring, no one cares. Perhaps I should angle toward the Jenn that ran away with the circus and was inspired by the rest of the world...
Also NZ doesn't have many literary agents that offer what i have written. How far across the world do i send it!?
Also, the singer 'Birdy' could totally be my protagonist... from most angles.. Birdy. And I don't say things like that often.. In fact I never do. So this is like.. revolutionary.
It's really weird when you see people in real life who like like the people you invented in your head.
(I mean the internet, I've never seen Birdy in real life. the internet is real life...)
On a completely different tangent. I make playlists that are filled with random songs that I listen to while i write, here are two that have been added to Tellan.2's writing list. To me they are relevant and make sense to a couple of characters and numerous situations and messages. But you have to use your imagination. Or maybe they don't make sense, they just have the right mood... ?
Whatever it is, both songs are epic. Iv'e also been making jewellery, (which some will know is how I came up with 'sparrow and the wolf boy'..) It's been great, and I adore all those who check it out (also Christmas is coming so. you know..) my shop. take a look :D