So I woke up this morning curled up at the end of my bed, still in a dressing gown, Ipod headphones in my ears with a pencil stuck to my face. Good look.... The floor was monopolized by my giant book time-line, two half-finished drawings and the plans for the end of my book.... That's right. The end... Half of a short chapter, One very long one and two very short ones and that's it. Done.
chapter the 27th is being dominated.
I had a great time away from civilization for five days. That included three in which I didn't have my lap-top on... or two maybe. We ate, drank, swum, sunbathed, explored, and witnessed a beautiful wedding. Nice to see the sounds before I head off into the real world again in a few weeks.
I hadn't actually gone a day where I hadn't written a part of my book in months... even just in a notebook.. and it was very weird. Anyway, I got home and made up for it by writing until I lost my marbles... (as you can tell from all these elipses...). All's I know is that I'm back in the frackin Ice-cream shop everyday till the end of forever or at least until I move to the mother ship in a few weeks. (Wellington) then I'll be editing like a squirrel on speed for a while....
Hmm. OK. So I really don't like it when authors write books (or series) and they're like 'it came to me in a dream'. But I now have be extraordinarily hypocritical, because I was thinking about this other little run-off series that I would love to write one day and then I dreamed about it.. but in the dream everything was different.. the setting was different and they were calling people by different titles. I think it was brains way of telling me that I have to write that story next.. and that it has to be post-apocalyptic...
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