Anyway, I had the opportunity yesterday to have half of Tellan printed and bound which, of course, I took. So, thanks to my mother and the office staff at Waimea college I can now hold the first 50,888 words in my hands. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the day carrying the thing around in a glad-bag then slept with it beside my bed. It may only be half of the book, but there is something magic about having some of Tellan in physical form. I am now doubly inspired to cut what needs to be cut from the second half and and get that printed too!
In the meantime I've already drawn all over the first half, and its now sitting in my window awaiting some quality time with a red pen. I was very honoured to be graced by the presence of faux-sister Gayle Hay, while I printed this beauty...
As if I needed more inspiration, I'm seeing Christopher Paolini tomorrow night and I have bagged me a few new readers. (they don't know what they're in for.)
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