Monday, 3 September 2012

just checking in.


It's the middle of mid-semester break, A break riddled with procrastination, Tellan-fixing and thing-making! Annd while its been great, I realise that I have committed a little blog-abandonment. So here I am, making up for it. x

I brought a new bow, which i suppose we can justify by calling it 'Tellan research,' It's awesome, there's an arrow in my hedge somewhere and an arrowhead stuck in the retaining wall... (went through the target and lodged itself in the fence.. sooo not my fault). I suppose constructing a target out of cardboard boxes and trying to shoot in the very short range that is my garden was always going be a tad tragic. But also tragically awesome..

I have these essays that I should really get started, they're both 2500 words, but they both sound really boring.. So, iv'e been using my time to get some jewellery made instead! it's what I like to call creative procrastination!

Anyway, they can all be seen here

and Here

Anyway, TELLAN! I planned to get a lot more done these holidays, but it has been ticking along as always. I'm tidying the last excerpt, next on the to do list I have to back and fix the beginning. With the company of Sanzha (my cat) I should hopefully have that completed before school starts again and all the blah that goes with it... what that will mean is that Tellan will be tidy and I can think about querying. Whoop!

short post. I'll be back when I have something interesting to say. xxx

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