Monday, 5 March 2012

Computers, virus' and WRIT101. The survival guide.

Murphy's law; The supposed law of nature, expressed in many humorous popular sayings, to the effect that anything can go wrong will go wrong.

Or; when you don't back up your book for four days your computer will die...
Which did in fact happen.
I casually went to check my emails and my poor laptop had turned itself inside out, was thoroughly munted and had basically decided that it was confused and screwed beyond fixing... There are harsher words I could use.
I had a small scale panic attack, threw my computer to the flat mates and held my breath.
The initial decision was that the mother board was destroyed... Then Mr Geoffrey managed to rescue my hard-drive!
So it's all OK. The baby is safe.
Three days later and my computer is OK, restored to factory settings and wiped, but alive. (In some ways it's nice to have my computer back to it's factory settings. I feel like I have a brand new computer.) Turns out the whole ordeal was a small flock of pesky virus' that had infiltrated almost everything...
I came so very close to losing half of my book. Of all the days to go up s**t creek, my computer chose the day four days after I had decided to put my data stick somewhere else... in a 'safe place'.
I should also mention that in the hours following my laptops demise, I rushed madly around the flat and couldn't find said data-stick. The thing had hidden itself just to further mess with my head.
lesson learnt.
I will back up my work every day and I will never put my data-stick in a 'safe place.' When it comes to the book this sort of thing just isn't funny. I don't know what I would do if I lost the book. There would be tears for sure. There were a few tears....

WRIT101. Had my first class at Uni, it was brilliant. Three hours talking about writing then we had to write a literacy autobiography. Not many people will apply the word brilliant to a first class in which they were required to write an essay but I had a good time. It's a tiny class, there are about twelve of us, but I feel like its going to be fanfriggintastic. That could change. Watch this space.
When I got home the temp flat-mates decided to have a short story competition... not entirely sure how that came about, but they all sat down and wrote stories which I have to judge at dinner. I told them I might post the best one on my blog. An extra reason to watch this space.

On the book front things are going splendidly. I'm chewing through the beast bit-by-bit and having a tidy. In about 20 chapters time i'll be looking for some more readers. keen?


  1. Replies
    1. chuuuuuur. twenty chapters time. that's a bit of time, but it'll be there after that time..
