Wednesday, 4 July 2012

This is what happens when I edit for eleven hours then try and write a blog post.

I just spent eleven hours editing, which is a bad idea.. and now I'm here, don't expect anything special...  

Eleven hours is a long time to spend going over the lead up too and the climactic chapters of any book, and the end of Tellan isn't exactly 'happy.' Needless to say, I've been tidying war, and blood and guts and stuff since 10am and I feel like my brain has turned inside-out. 

It'll be worth it in the end!! (beta readers better be ready.)

things I've done in the last few days include: bringing a character back to life (not necessarily.. I just decided not to kill her right now), removing two very well woven-in sub-plots, and revoking my hatred for full-stops 

I've had well over 1000 people accidentally stumble upon this blog now. 100 of those visited the last two updates.. admittedly a good portion of those people were probably unwilling internet trawlers googling pictures of that guy I blogged about ages ago (they were then assaulted by my mostly-incoherent rambling) but hey, cool! For that I am honoured.

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