Wednesday, 4 January 2012

O gosh, this ones just random...

I seem to have a habit of posting here when it's really late at night, I feel this might affect the quality of my posts... so I tried to do this during the day.. day turned into evening now it's later evening, I tried. Really.

(It's still going to be average.)

I'm still learning to use this blog, that's why I keep changing things around. People have emailed me to say they can't follow or comment. HAH shame.. I actually don't know how to fix that sorry. Thanks for reading. I love you. Your emails make me smile even if they are pointing out my incompetence at setting up a blog.

Another habit which I previously touched on was the findings. Yes.. since this book-writing project has spanned several years I keep finding bits (read 'bit of an idea' if you haven't already, i linked it last post but here it is again. also  synopsis in a sentance because I'm writing you up a synopsis that's a little more meaty). Anyway I found a bit, or rather two. The first 'bit' was a character that I had invented who -quite conveniently- would show up in about half a chapters time. He's a soldier with past and a whole lotta miles under his belt.. but despite that he's seventeen and quite the ginger. I don't think he'll have the part he was once intended, but i can assure you he will be there...
I would be lying if I said that I had only 'found' the second finding. Actually it found me. Or rather I went looking for something else and I stumbled upon it knowing perfectly well that it was there. That 'thing' was the list. The List. The list mentioned left that I had to write in fourth form.. OK it might be strange that I still have this paper but believe it or not I actually carried it with me while I lived abroad, and it's been tucked in the back of an old travel diary ever since. It quotes that I will finish university -which lays rest to my conundrums in the previous post. It also states that I will build a mansion that is a replica of Monty Monty's mansion from the film version of  'Lemony Snicketts a series of unfortunate events' annd that I will have chinchillas, lizards and birds in what was his reptile room. It also says (and this part I had completely forgotten about) that I will have A horse named 'Tella.' For the two people in the world who know the significance of that name, know only that the list was written before Tella was called Tella. complete coincidence. Also very odd considering how it isn't exactly a common name.

For those who ask questions about my book, and know that I was stuck for a whole week in a rather ridiculous place -I have fixed it. Yes, I was trapped, incapable of moving forward because for a moment I had lost sight of where this particular half chapter was taking me. For that reason I changed it.. then changed it back... then created a hybrid chapter.
Heres how I fixed it (because I feel like i learned something).
Firstly I canned the whole thing (kidding). actually I stopped myself and went back to the drawing board I looked at the breakdowns for that chapter and the three chapters that would follow. I re-planned them. i worked out what the vital action was -what was important about that chapter. I focused on it. Then I remembered this post I had read after CP tweeted it. I remembered how it had helped me once before.. I gained a little enthusiasm for my crappy chapter. I went through what I had already written and took the bits that were really important for that chapter or for the later three. I pasted them together, added a juicy argument a smidgen of a theme and whammo, I ended the chapter this morning with a little moral contemplation. If that doesn't make any sense then I'm not surprised.

I'm amused by this author wearing a book on her head, so this is me blogging about her hat-book habits in vain hope of achieving a hat-book of my own (this). everybody should go there and enter and have hat-books... also I enjoyed this post of hers

It makes me think of a letter I once wrote (down there in another post somewhere -look for the green dragon) in which I confessed that while I read a lot of books and know their creators names, I really am guilty of not knowing enough about my favorite authors. The few i have had the pleasure to meet, research, watch or learn from have inspired me greatly. Another lesson for me there I think. More Author researching less dilly-dally.

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