I am well and truly immersed in the editing process. I'm going to call it the editing adventure, makes it sound way more interesting. My first draft journey may be over but the bookish journey has only just begun.
I moved out a week ago which had the potential to make writing complicated. To be honest though it hasn't. The capitol has been treating me well. Apart from the general study link and flat hunting stresses I have little more to do but familiarize myself with a new city and edit, edit, edit. Admittedly it took me a couple of days to really get into the flow.. I spent a good amount of time looking at funny cats and complaining about grammar and how crap editing was compared to writing. The day after the first draft was finished i started to edit but really achieved very little. Now however I am rolling.
The last few days of first-drafting were intense. This was my computer the moment I finished. And yes, I am one of those annoying people who takes photos of useless things. It was just such a mess that i couldn't resist. Unfortunately this picture doesn't show the pencils jammed between the keys of my computer or the piles of paper on the floor behind my chair.
I have missed having a desk, moving off into the wide-world has it's downsides.. no furniture. However all that editing has demanded from me so far is coffee, time, a couch and my lap-top.
I did manage to haul all of my chapter notes up here -thankfully. (picture, and above view of their awesomeness).
And I have had several long conversations about literature to keep my mind ticking over. Wellington has many wonderfully like-minded people. We have been nana-ing around reading books and watching game of thrones. Anyway, the book ticks on and I have many things to blog about when I can manage to organize myself into a flat and study.
Uni starts soon (first class is 'writing') which should be a riot.