Saturday, 8 June 2013

(Ancient history can wait)

This is not an official study-break...

Well, my busy week at Uni, bled straight into exam time, which is always a bit of a slog... I am finding it difficult to tear myself away from coffee and spelunky to get all those study hours in, fortunately for me I am a fastidious note-taker and don't really need to read anything. Being a total nerd pays off.

Tellan continues to wander through cyber space, visiting family and friends for a wee read. Things might get a little more exciting for its pages soon... we'll be keeping you updated on that one...

It's good to have so many friends willing to read Tellan, feedback and conversation has been so ridiculously helpful over the last -nearly two- years. I am particularly grateful for those friends who tirelessly read each chapter over-and-over and emailed me back and forth for so many months.

I promised to write about book two, my current work in progress, but, to be quite honest, I have been a bit mentally pre-occupied to really hash-out something interesting to say! 

I suppose I could write about how the second book deconstructs the idea of 'inherent evil,' but this comic says it better than I ever could just read it, please. This aspect of the book has been more fun than it should be. I guess, the circumstances and the idea make the book a little 'darker' and we all secretly love stuff that's a little dark.

Other fun things in book two:

  • A kind of military circus.... 
  • Some wolves that some people ride on... 
  • A couple more super interesting 'bad guys.'
  • A magical map-book.
  • some more wolves that try and eat people.
  • Bows and arrows.
  • The love-triangle that all the beta readers knew was coming... 
